Tuesday 11 February 2003

If Only


If Only.

If only all life were as perfect as this! I’m sat on the porch outside my bungalow, 10 metres from one of the most perfect beaches I am ever likely to see, under the stars and listening to the crickets. I am sat next to an amazing Palm Tree and can hear the warm waves gently turning over and over, massaging the beautiful white sand. I wish I could be stuck in this moment forever, suspended in paradise, forever.

Wow. It’s nearly midnight and I’m still warm. The only downside I can think of is that I wish my beautiful family and friends were here with me, basking in the immense happiness that this place brings. Things are perfect but perfection must always be lacking something, and in this case it’s my family and friends. I miss them a lot. I’m alone except for the crickets and the local dog, which is laid next to me, no doubt enjoying the same mind-blowing tranquillity that I am. I’m glad I have this pen and this book; otherwise these rare happy thoughts of mine would be lost forever. I feel as one, and it’s absolutely mind-blowing. Wow. Wow. Wow. If only all life was as perfect as this.

Wish you all were here!

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